“[Alfred North Whitehead] had practical abilities which at the time when I knew him best did not find very much scope.... He might have been an able administrator but for one defect, which was a complete inability to answer letters.  I once wrote a letter to him on a mathematical point, as to which I urgently needed an answer for an article I was writing against Poincaré.  He did not answer, so I wrote again.  He still did not answer, so I telegraphed.  As he was still silent, I sent a reply-paid telegram.  But in the end, I had to travel down to Broadstairs to get the answer.  His friends gradually got to know this peculiarity, and on the rare occasions when any of them got a letter from him they would all assemble to congratulate the recipient.  He justified himself by saying that if he answered letters, he would have no time for original work.  I think the justification was complete and unanswerable.”

The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell
(George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London, 1967), 131.

Greg Marks